dappOS Grant Final Update


In November 2023, dappOS received a 100,000 ARB grant from GMX to grow the dappOS empowered version of GMX V2, target to boost the trading volume by $50million, increase users by 30k and contribute over $5 million in TVL to the GMX V2 ecosystem within 12 weeks. We have met our KPIs over the 12 weeks successfully.

During the grant period, we have launched several campaigns to attract users in GMX V2. We have started the dappOS GMX trading voucher activity through which we saw significant growth in no. of users and the transactions occurred on GMX powered by dappOS. We have also engaged many KOL communities to help us gain traction in GMX V2 in many marketing events.

KPIs and Results

Milestone 1: Dec 18: GMX dappOS Live and annoucement PR. – Achieved

Milestone 2: Dec 20 - 15 Jan: Optimized user experience in GMX dappOS from user feedback. —Achieved.

Milestone 3: 1 Feb, Target Users: 15k, TVL: 2.5mm, Trading Volume: 25mm - 50k ARB – Achieved

Milesetone 4: 28 Feb, Target Users: 30k, TVL: 5mm, Trading Volume: 50mm - 50k ARB – Achieved


  1. Attract new users from Ethereum/BSC/Polygon/OP chains through dappOS.

  2. Increase trading volume and TVL in GMX V2 from the new users through incentive programs.


We have attached the links to the dashboards relecting our KPIs achieved.


Also attached the trading volume dashboard graph showing a steady growth in trading volume brought by different trading campaigns and community engagement.