Date: 02/021/2024
I. Executive Summary:
All milestones are now covered as the app has fully integrated GMX v2 into the UI, allowing for the execution of longs and shorts, and the buying and selling of the GM token through a smart contract account. The app is currently hosted in Vercel, though not production ready, yet.
a) Roadmap Progress
The milestones set for integrating GMX have been successfully covered, with a hosted version that allows users to perform longs, shorts, and buy and sell GM with a smart contract account.
- Milestone 1 → Jan 8th-26th - Integration of t
he GMX Long/Short component, and the Buy/Sell GM component. CHECKED
- Milestone 2 → Jan 27th-Feb 7th - Development of user operation scripts for interaction with the smart contract accounts. Testing interaction through the UI. CHECKED
- Milestone 3 → Feb 8th-onwards - Polishing of the UX and interaction with other features of the app. CHECKED
b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
All three milestones are CHECKED.
c) Dune Dashboards
II. Current Progress:
From the app users will be able to create a smart contract account with an email address and perform user operations for buying and selling GM, and executing long and shorts.
A demo showcasing the app can be found here
III. Community Engagement:
IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:
As expressed in our past bi-weekly updates, we a group of great partners that have trusted in us for building this application:
- Mode Network: We recently won a prize at a hackathon organized by Mode, with whom we hope to continue working with: Fungi Protocol | Devpost
- Arbitrum: We were accepted for a grant program.
- Ripio: An Argentinian exchange that is building its own Layer1 called LaChain, for which we were accelerated for building in their network