GMX: Transition from “Buyback ETH and Distribute ETH” to “Buyback GMX and Distribute GMX”

As a GMX delegate I am in favour of this proposal and will vote yes for it.

  • Constant buy pressure in GMX attracts more solid investors who will see a lineair relation with fees generated and GMX price going up. GMX price going up is free marketing and more eyes on GMX as the most liquid platform to trade assets on.
  • More volatility on the GMX token, more volatility means fees going to LPs through swaps and leverage trading a more volatile asset
  • Dormant esGMX issue without benefitting to GMX also gets solved immediately as dormant esGMX wallets now create constant buy pressure of GMX so they get tied to the ecosystem
  • Compounding is in most countries a non-taxable event allowing for more optimised handling of these rewards.
  • Having a solidified rewards system with one token GMX, allows us to think about cross-chain expansions a lot more