Provide personal or organizational details, including applicant name, contact information, and associated organization. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.

Applicant Name: P Porag Chakma (alias wthDeFi)

Project Name: Intract

Project Description

Intract is the go-to platform to learn & discover about web3 through personalized quests all in one place contributing to the Web3 growth for both protocols and web3 users.

Team Members and Qualifications:

Sambhav Jain, Co-founder & CEO, Ex TradFi Blackstone, IIT Delhi
Apurv Kaushal, Co-founder & CPO, Ex Mckinsy, IIT Delhi
Abhishek Anita, Co-founder & CTO, IIT Delhi

Project Links

Grant Type: Open Grant

Contact Information:

TG: poragCh

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wthDeFi

Email: porag@intract.io


Detail the requested grant size, provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if relevant.

Requested Grant Size: $100,000 ARB

Grant Matching: Intract does not have a token yet.

Grant Breakdown:

The grant will be entirely distributed to reward users through quests initiated via Intract for completing on-chain tasks on GMX V2 as well as educative quests about GMX & trading perpetual to new and experienced Crypto users.

Intract team will also provide a dedicated space and a dashboard to track all metrics on the platform regarding the usage and activity of the users transacting on GMX initiated through the quests.

Funding Address: 0xc217d85F85b36B06308Dc20EBc5cEbE21A30C57a

Funding Address Characteristics:

This is an MPC wallet or 2/3 multisig with private keys securely stored among the founders.

Distribution Contract Address: NA

Incentivised Contract Addresses: NA


Clearly outline the primary objectives of the project and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure success. This helps reviewers understand what the project aims to achieve and how progress will be assessed.


Utilize the grant to incentivize users to learn about GMX & swap on GMX V2. Intract will also provide a dedicated workspace to create quests for GMX community projects further contributing to the growth of the GMX community.

Objective Description KPI
Onboard New Users on GMX Onboard new users, and introduce novice and active users 100,000
Drive New Referrals Onboard new users on GMX 50,000 Referrals
Support growth of GMX Community Projects Onboard community projects 10 Projects
Education Academy on Perpetuals featuring GMX Introduce Perps to 100,000 New and experienced Users 100,000 Completions
ARB & GMX Branded on-chain Persona NFT User will be able to mint an NFT highlighting the on-chain metrics of a user 100,000 NFT Mints on Arbitrum.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Each season will last for a Month.

KPIs Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Total overall
New Wallets 10,000 15,000 20,000 40,000 85,000
Referrals 20,000 30,000 40,000 80,000 170,000
Education participation 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 100,000
Transactions count 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 90,000
MAU Count via Intract 10,000 25000 50000 70000 155,000

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the GMX ecosystem?: Justification for the grant size

Let’s look at the case studies for Polygon zkEVM Saga and Linea Voyage below.

Linea Voyage

KPI Metric
New wallets onboarded 2,000,000+
Total Participation 3M+
Bridged amount 423m+
Partners 80+
  • Linea chose Intract for its official main net campaign after trying out other platforms. Linea Voyage

  • Exponential growth in active address and transaction count. DAU Count increased by 3.5X since the launch of the campaign via Intract on 7th Nov.

1M+ Unique wallets

Daily Transactions jumped 5.7X

Polygon 2.0 zkEVM Saga

KPI Metric Column 3 Column 4
New wallets onboarded 600,000
Total Participation 723399
Project supported 25+
    • A 6-week long campaign for users to explore all major dApps in the Polygon zkEVM ecosystem. 600,000 New Users Acquired since launch. Contributing to 400% growth in the DAU Count.
  • 723K Initiations across all 6 waves out of which 509k completed the wave, a 70% conversion rate.
  • TVL Growth Since the resumption of the zkEVM campaign on Oct.

Execution Strategy

100% of the allocation will be distributed to the community in the following manner.

Grant Timeline and Milestones:

Phase Season Funds Milestone
Season 1 Month 1 15% 10,000 New Users onboarded, 20,000 referrals, 10,000 Educational participation, Transactions count 10k, MAU - 10K
Season 2 Month 2 20% 15,000 New Users onboarded, 30,000 referrals, 20,000 Educational participation, Transactions count 20k, MAU - 25K
Season 3 Month 3 25% 20,000 New Users onboarded, 40,000 referrals, 30,000 Educational participation, Transactions count 30k, MAU - 50K
Season 4 Month 4 40% 40,000 New Users onboarded, 80,000 referrals, 100,000 Educational participation, Transactions count 40k, MAU - 70K
Funds will be distributed retroactively, meaning users will be able to claim it at the end of each season lasting a month. Users will also be able to mint a personalized NFT at the end of the campaign.

Fund Streaming: [Do you accept the funding of your grant streamed linearly for the duration of your grant proposal, and that the multisig holds the power to halt your streamed grant at their discretion at any time?]



Provide details about the protocol requirements relevant to the grant. This information ensures that the applicant is aligned with the technical specifications and commitments of the grant.

What date did you build on GMX?: Date of deployment on Arbitrum Aug-22-2023

Protocol Performance:

  • Users on the Platform over 3M+

  • Questing Partners 150+

  • Major Partners: Linea, Polygon, Gnosis Safe, 1inch, Lido, Binance.

  • Quest completions: Excluding Linea Voyage, we’ve had 2.37M Unique users quest initiations out of which 1.4M completed the quests, a 58% conversion.

  • Unique Quest Wallets: 3M+ Connected Wallets with 601K discord wallets, 120k Connected Telegram Profiles.

  • Project category launching on the platform

Protocol Roadmap:

  • Customisable Loyalty Program.
  • Personalised Onchain explorers for each chain.
  • Onchain Metrics for questers for personalized onchain experience.

Audit History (if any): None

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Provide details on how your team is equipped to provide data and reporting on grant distribution.

Is your team prepared to create Dune Spells and/or Dashboards for your incentive program? Yes

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the GMX Forum thread?:

Yes, our team of experts handling this campaign will be sharing bi-weekly updates along with all the data which we do with all our questing partners.

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?:


Hi Intract team, we appreciate your application but unfortunately have to point out that the deadline for submitting grant proposals has passed. This application therefore cannot be considered valid.

See also:

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