Applicant Name: Cameron Conrad

Project Name: Torque

Project Description: An automation protocol to streamline saving. It unifies the finest, non-custodial yield and loan opportunities to satisfy the key components of wealth generation while reducing friction, increasing transparency, and guaranteeing self-custody.

Team Members and Qualifications:

Project Links:

Contact Information:


Requested Grant Size: 75,000 ARB

Grant Breakdown:

  • 20% (15,000) to acquire additional audits
  • 80% (60,000) to enable liquidity incentives

Funding Address: 0x177f6519A523EEbb542aed20320EFF9401bC47d0

Funding Address Characteristics: 2/3 multisig via SAFE smart account

Distribution Contract Address: A modified version of our RewardUtil (to be updated)

Incentivised Contract Addresses: To be updated at completion of additional audits



  • Improve security/further confidence through additional audits
  • Increase total value routed through Torque’s Boost product

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Security audit KPIs
    – Pass SourceHat/Secure3
    – Address all findings

  • Increase TVR KPIs
    – Achieve $250k TVR
    – Achieve $500k TVR

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the GMX ecosystem?: Receiving this grant will enable Torque’s Boost product to become more attractive to savers. This, in turn, will empower Torque to drive increased adoption of V2 GM pools.

Justification for the size of the grant: Torque has high potential to attract significant liquidity due it catering not only to crypto natives, but also to the crypto curious with idle assets on CEXs/in cold storage who are interested to save and earn onchain.

Execution Strategy: We have received quotes from the specified auditors and are ready to proceed upon acceptance. Once passed, we’ll finalize CAs and kick off the campaign, which should be spread out over an estimated period of 60-90 days.

We’ll assess impact and adjust rates accordingly every other week.

Grant Timeline:

  • 20% released post acceptance/approval
  • 40% released upon achieving $250k TVR
  • 40% released upon achieving $500k TVR


What date did you build on GMX?: March 20th, 2024

Protocol Performance: Not meaningful yet. With the foundation laid, we’re now prepared to dedicate great energy on the product distribution side. Becoming competitive with ARB incentives ensures that Torque’s proposition is attractive.

Protocol Roadmap: At this time, the only officially remaining item in Torque’s roadmap is the Torque SDK currently under development. Additional assets become supported periodically and community governance should drive the protocol forward.

Audit History: Listed here and contract addresses listed here. Just before our March 20th release, we held a security competition and addressed findings at this PR.

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Is your team prepared to create Dune Spells and/or Dashboards for your incentive program?: Yes, a detailed dashboard will be provided.

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the GMX Forum thread?: Yes

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?: Yes


Hey @cmrn, Thank you for submitting the application. The grants committee will soon start reviewing your application.

1 Like

I do not see how this “Torgue” has any benefit to GMX.

Looks like a another Meme coin,.

Hi @Alik1975 ,

We directly benefit GMX through liquidity provision and built a very user-friendly dApp. Alternatively, we offer savers the ability to mint/redeem via compact interfaces (#1, #2, etc.). See Torque in its totality here. Questions/feedback are always appreciated. Thank you.


Torque is not even an active product thus proving once again that is not beneficial to GMX by any means as of today.

1000 Telegram members and almost 10k to nothing liquidity.

Still, do not see any benefits to our GMX product whatsoever.

Yes, it has been live since end of March. Please go ahead and try it out if you’d like: https://app.torque.fi. You can use the invite code: 77777 or use one of the compact interfaces linked above. Regarding the token, yes we have had no LGE or presale but it is something to be improved. It certainly will be in due time! We have a proposal regarding rewards for it already submitted onchain and viewable here: https://app.torque.fi/vote.

I was just BANNED from the “Torque” Telegram when asked about the tokenomics.

Fake link was provided in “official” telegram.

Team, GMX.

Be Aware, this project is another FUD.

Pure FUD. There’s no need to have any invite link to check the project.


You were banned by Rose for flooding. I already unbanned. Feel free to check your Telegram. Please don’t worry. We have built for long. All our code is open-source. I find your comments to be nearing attack but it is ok, I do appreciate any feedback as always!

I was banned asking for a link for tokenomics?

No further questions to your “scam” project.

No, for sending 4 messages in a row. It was a flood ban.

No tokenomics in your scam project. Good Luck.

They are linked in the last TG msg. Please check it. Or find it in the docs here..

2, by the way. you’re providing false statements to our community.

Please check our work anytime. Any actual questions / feedback is always appreciated.

We did, stll do not see any benefit to GMX.
Especially after seeing another worthless attempt to gain a grant from the scamming project.

Alik, could you please take it down a notch? It’s fine to look at the grant proposals critically, but there’s no good reason to post 10 critical replies and then start calling things a scam. Please keep the governance forum a welcoming environment.