Rabbithole Grant BiWeekly Update

Rabbithole Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: December 13, 2023

I. Executive Summary:

Rabbithole was funded with 100K ARB to develop the infrastructure and deploy Quests on behalf of GMX.

RabbitHole received it’s initial 25K ARB grant from the GMX Grant multisig on December 11, 2023.

To date, Rabbithole has created 2 active quests.

a) Roadmap Progress

  • Development of the GMX plugin (I.e. GMX integration on Rabbithole) was completed prior to receiving the grant, in the weeks leading up to December 12, 2023.
  • December 12, 2023: Rabbithole received 25K/100K ARB from GMX.
  • December 12, 2023: Began development of a Dune Dashboard for the GMX community to use in tracking the effectiveness of the granted ARB.
  • December 12, 2023: RabbitHole announces the first Quests on Twitter.
  • December 12, 2023: Rabbithole deployed the first 2 GMX Quests.

Week 1

Rabbithole has agreed to release the ARB granted in the form of weekly quests. The Quest breakdown for the first week of GMX Quests is as follows:

  • Quests:
    • Trade on GMX (New + Existing Users)
      • Allow List: New & existing GMX users.
      • Total Allocation: 4,000 ARB
      • Maximum Claimers: 5,000
      • ARB per Claimer: 0.8
    • Trade on GMX (New Traders)
      • Allow List: New GMX users (excludes current GMX users).
      • Total Allocation: 2,500 ARB
      • Maximum Claimers: 2,500.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.0

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

Target Objectives

Objective Description KPI
Objective #1 Drive new users to GMX and create sustainable ecosystem growth. We’ll use allowlist targeting functionality such as whitelist/blacklist to accomplish this objective. 7,500 new wallets
Objective #2 Drive incremental usage to GMX by engaging existing users and reactivating dormant ones. 27,500 monthly unique wallets, 8,500 re-engaged wallets, 85,000 transactions driven to GMX
Objective #3 Provide GMX a detailed CPA (cost per action) & fees generated for each quest as well as the overall program to measure efficacy of the effort. Dune Dashboard
Objective #4 Create a GMX Plugin to deploy quests to specify minimum amounts and specific tokens, which can be used by anyone in GMX community GMX Plugin for Quest Protocol

Target KPIs

Phase 1 (Experiment) Phase 2 (Iterate) Phase 3 (Scale)
KPI Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Transactions or Actions Driven 17,500 22,500 45,000
Monthly Unique Addresses 5,000 7,500 15,000
New GMX Addresses 1,500 2,000 4,000
Reactivated Users 1,750 2,250 4,500
Grant Distributed $25k $25k $50k

Performance To Date

Pending completion of the first quest we will begin tracking this with full data.

c) Dune Dashboards

The Rabbithole community dashboard is available here: https://dune.com/rabbithole/quest-protocol-gmx-quests.

We are currently updating this dashboard to remain consistent with data needs.

II. Current Progress:

Current Quest Progress:

III. Community Engagement:

Twitter Post: 1
Email Promotions: 1

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:


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Rabbithole Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: December 27, 2023

I. Executive Summary:

Rabbithole was funded with 100K ARB to develop the infrastructure and deploy [Quests] on behalf of GMX.

RabbitHole received its initial 25K ARB grant from the GMX Grant multisig on December 11, 2023.

To date, Rabbithole has created 6 quests on behalf of GMX’s STIP grant and 1 quest with an NFT Reward for RabbitHole’s Holiday Quest.

a) Roadmap Progress

  • Development of the GMX plugin (I.e. GMX integration on Rabbithole) was completed prior to receiving the grant, in the weeks leading up to December 12, 2023.
  • December 12, 2023: Rabbithole received 25K/100K ARB from GMX.
  • December 12, 2023: Began development of a Dune Dashboard for the GMX community to use in tracking the effectiveness of the granted ARB.
  • December 12, 2023: RabbitHole announces first Quests on Twitter.

RabbitHole has continued to refine its GMX plug-ins by refining quests to support GMX V2 exclusive quests, in addition to further development towards perpetual swap support including “Open Position” action types.

Week 3

The Quest breakdown for the third week of GMX Quests is as follows:

  • Quests:
    • Trade on GMX V2
      • Allow List: New Users.
      • Total Allocation: 2,250 ARB.
      • Maximum Claimers: 1500.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.5.

Week 2

The Quest breakdown for the second week of GMX Quests is as follows:

  • Quests:
    • Trade on GMX V2

      • Allow List: New Users.
      • Total Allocation: 3,000 ARB.
      • Maximum Claimers: 2,000.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.5.
    • Trade on GMX V2

      • Allow List: Historical Users.
      • Total Allocation: 4,800 ARB.
      • Maximum Claimers: 4,000.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.2.

Week 1

Rabbithole has agreed to release the ARB granted in the form of weekly quests. The Quest breakdown for the first week of GMX Quests is as follows:

  • Quests:
    • Trade on GMX V2

      • Allow List: New GMX users (excludes current GMX users)…
      • Total Allocation: 250 ARB.
      • Maximum Claimers: 250.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.
    • Trade on GMX (New + Existing Users)

      • Allow List: New & existing GMX users.
      • Total Allocation: 4,000 ARB
      • Maximum Claimers: 5,000
      • ARB per Claimer: 0.8
    • Trade on GMX (New Traders)

      • Allow List: New GMX users (excludes current GMX users).
      • Total Allocation: 2,500 ARB
      • Maximum Claimers: 2,500.
      • ARB per Claimer: 1.0

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

Target Objectives

Objective Description KPI
Objective #1 Drive new users to GMX and create sustainable ecosystem growth. We’ll use allowlist targeting functionality such as whitelist/blacklist to accomplish this objective. 7,500 new wallets
Objective #2 Drive incremental usage to GMX by engaging existing users and reactivating dormant ones. 27,500 monthly unique wallets, 8,500 re-engaged wallets, 85,000 transactions driven to GMX
Objective #3 Provide GMX a detailed CPA (cost per action) & fees generated for each quest as well as the overall program to measure efficacy of the effort. Dune Dashboard
Objective #4 Create a GMX Plugin to deploy quests to specify minimum amounts and specific tokens, which can be used by anyone in GMX community GMX Plugin for Quest Protocol

Target KPIs

Phase 1 (Experiment) Phase 2 (Iterate) Phase 3 (Scale)
KPI Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Transactions or Actions Driven 17,500 22,500 45,000
Monthly Unique Addresses 5,000 7,500 15,000
New GMX Addresses 1,500 2,000 4,000
Reactivated Users 1,750 2,250 4,500
Grant Distributed $25k $25k $50k

Performance To Date

Phase 1 (Experiment)
KPI Dec. 11 - Jan. 11 (Ongoing)
Transactions or Actions Driven 4,362
Monthly Unique Addresses 3,714
New GMX Addresses 812
Reactivated Addresses 221
Grant Distributed 9,352.50
Network Fees Generated (ETH) 2.33654
GMX Fees Generated (ETH) 8.52040

Performance details available on Dune here.

c) Dune Dashboards

The Rabbithole community dashboard is available [here]([ https://dune.com/rabbithole/quest-protocol-gmx-quests).

II. Current Progress:

Current Quest Progress:



III. Community Engagement:

Twitter Post: 3
Email Promotions: 1

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • RabbitHole included GMX in its Holiday Quests to drive an additional 935 Questors to GMX.
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