[Spectra] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 3

Spectra Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: 8 August 2024

I. Executive Summary:
We are in the process of getting APW emissions live for gmBTC and gmETH pools so we can start incentivizing users to deposit.

a) Roadmap Progress
Additional $50k of TVL achieved in both gmETH and gmBTC vaults, bringing their total to $150k / each. More TVL is coming in next week as we continue to scale rewards an votes for the pools.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
Same as above

II. Current Progress:
Additional $50k of TVL achieved in both gmETH and gmBTC vaults, bringing their total to $150k / each. More TVL is coming in next week as we continue to scale rewards an votes for the pools.
III. Community Engagement:
None as of yet, we will start marketing as soon as the APW gauge is completed. This is set to be completed by tomorrow.
IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:


Thanks for the update