GMX Governance Committee Renewal

Formation & Structure:

The GMX Governance Committee’s formation was initiated following a proposal to the DAO in July 2024. After a candidate nomination process that spanned August and September, elections were held by the DAO through a Snapshot vote.

In end of October 2024, the Governance Committee formally began its work, with the five elected members being:

  • Jonezee – Events & Marketing
  • Saurabh – Incentives & Grants
  • Atomist – DAO Operations
  • Shogun – Technical
  • Jrogon – Treasury Management & Gaming

Each member was allocated specific domains based on their expertise to ensure efficient governance and oversight.

The term length for members of the committee was originally set at 6 months. Elections for the Governance Committee were planned to be held twice a year, with all five positions directly voted on by the DAO.

We are currently approaching the end of this first 6-month term. The Governance Committee is, therefore, inviting community members to nominate themselves as potential new candidates. If no new delegates are successfully elected by the DAO, the current Governance Committee members have indicated a willingness to continue their work for another term.

​​Nominations will be open from March 24, 2025, to April 2, 2025.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Actively participating in governance discussions and voting on proposals by the Arbitrum DAO and other DAOs in which GMX has a voice and interest.
  • Representing the interests and perspectives of the GMX community in governance deliberations.
  • Collaborating with other members of Arbitrum governance to promote the interests of the broader DeFi ecosystem.

Compensation & Participation:

Members of the Governance Committee receive an honorarium of $1,000 per month for their roles. Nominees from GMX Labs waived their honorarium as they were already indirectly compensated through contributor agreements.

Work completed in the past 6 months:

  • In the course of its activities over the last half year, the five elected committee members reviewed, discussed, commented on, and (where applicable) voted on more than a hundred proposals presented to the Arbitrum DAO. To name a few important proposals:
    a) Arbitrum Audit Program
    b) Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee: Phase II Proposal
    c) AIP: Timeboost + Nova Fee Sweep
  • Atomist and Saurabh also represented the committee at ETH Devcon and ETH Denver, ensuring GMX had community representation at the events.
  • Atomist’s experience with Arbitrum governance and Castle Labs was instrumental in setting up the committee’s initial processes and administrative framework.

Proposal for Extension:
We propose extending the Governance Committee’s term by another six months, until October.

Community members are invited to nominate themselves as candidates for the GMX Governance Committee.

Any delegate may also challenge a current committee member, or the entire. In case there are no objections, and no new candidates successfully elected, the committee will continue in its current form.


Happy to answer any questions about the role of committee member!

You can also learn more about the Governance Committee and its activities in this earlier thread:

For a general outline of how the GMX DAO’s governance process works, it’s best to refer to: