GoldLink Protocol Grant Bi-Weekly Update
Date: 07/11/2024
I. Executive Summary:
Since the announcement of our GMX rewards program, we have seen an significant increase in borrow volume, lending deposits, and daily active users. The program was officially announced through our socials on June 28th, and we are currently in the process of introducing front-end updates to allow for rewards claiming and advertising the rewards on the platform. These updates should be live in the coming days.
We expect once these site updates are live, vastly improving the rewards program’s visibility, we will see the full potential of the incentives to increase users and deposits.
a) Roadmap Progress
- Despite the rewards program’s current limited visibility on the website, we have made significant progress towards our first lending milestone ($1M).
- Borrow volume has trailed as funding rates have decreased in the past few weeks, but we hope to make a greater push when as rates turn positive.
- We have continuously shipped several UI updates to improve usability and simplify the trading process for borrowers.
b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
- Lending Deposits : $819,311.36 / $1,000,000
- Borrow Volume: $$124,393.23 / $500,000
c) Dune Dashboards:
All metrics represent the period of June 27 - July 11, 2024, and are compared to the previous 2-week period.
II. Current Progress:
- Lending Deposits: $44,750 (+62,052%)
- Borrow Volume: $56,215 (+14,615%)
- Daily Active Wallets: 5.174 (+38%)
III. Community Engagement:
- Twitter Link Clicks: +83%
- Twitter Engagement: +31%
- Twitter Impressions: +27%
IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:
- Arbitrum Spaces: 448 Listeners
- Upcoming GMX Spaces