[MICRO GRANT APPLICATION] GMX Community Dashboard on Alphaday


Provide personal or organisational details, including applicant name, contact information, and any associated organisation. This information ensures proper identification and communication throughout the grant process.

Applicant Name or Alias: [Enter full name]

Michael H.

Project Name: [Enter Project Name]


Project Description: [Enter Project Description (1-3 sentences)]

Alphaday is a powerful crypto workflow aggregator that pulls in news, on-chain data, social media, web3 services and much more into one customizable UI.

Team Members and Qualifications: [List team members and their qualifications, roles, and responsibilities]

Name: Deniz Omer

Position: Founder

Short Bio: Has been involved in the Ethereum space since early 2016 and joined Kyber Network in 2017 as Head of Ecosystem Growth before quitting to start Alphaday full-time in 2021. Previously he worked at Thomson Reuters for a decade building financial products that rivaled the Bloomberg Terminal. He is currently also a Venture Partner at IOSG.VC.

https://twitter.com/DenizOmer, https://www.linkedin.com/in/denizomer/

Name: Felipe Faraggi

Position: Co-founder

Short Bio: Has also been involved in Ethereum since 2016 and was a Developer Advocate at Pegasys and Consensys before quitting to work full time on Alphaday.

faraggi (Felipe Faraggi) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/felipefaraggi, https://www.linkedin.com/in/faraggi/

Name: Pablo Palomo

Position: Technical Lead

ppalomo (Pablo Palomo) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/ppalomo, https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-palomo-07127711/

Name: Vicente Almonacid

Position: Software Engineer

v-almonacid (Vicente) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/v_almonacid, https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicente-almonacid/

Name: Charles Nwankwo

Position: Developer

Xavier-Charles (Charles Nwankwo) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/Chadnium, https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-nwankwo-01/

Name: Jonathan Irhodia

Position: Developer

elcharitas (Jonathan Irhodia) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/iamelcharitas, https://linkedin.com/in/elcharitas

Name: Gideon Anyalewechi

Position: Developer

getgiddy (Gideon Anyalewechi ) · GitHub, https://twitter.com/get_giddy, https://www.linkedin.com/in/getgiddy/

Name: Selim Cetiner

Position: Content Specialist & Marketing Operations

https://www.linkedin.com/in/selim-cetiner-167364234/, https://twitter.com/selim_jpeg

Name: Michael Hagopian

Position: QA & Analyst

https://twitter.com/MikeJa33, https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikael-h-87bb4ba4/

Project Links: [Enter Any Relevant Project Links (website, demo, Github, Twitter, etc.]

Live Product: https://app.alphaday.com/

Landing Page: https://alphaday.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlphadayHQ

Discord: Alphaday

Github: Alphaday · GitHub

Linkedin: alphaday | LinkedIn

Pitch Deck: DocSend

Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThCd_W3rK_8

Grant Type: [ Micro Grant/ Open Grant/ RFP]

Micro Grant

Contact Information:

TG: [Telegram]


Twitter: [Twitter Handle]


Email: [Email Address]



Detail the requested grant size, provide an overview of the budget breakdown, specify the funding and contract addresses, and describe any matching funds if relevant.

Requested Grant Size: [Enter Amount of ARB Requested]

3,400 ARB

Grant Matching: [Enter Amount of Matching Funds Provided - If Relevant]

4,000 USDC

Grant Breakdown: [Please provide a high-level overview and pro forma of the budget breakdown and planned use of funds]

2,550 ARB upfront costs for development including integrating the discussion forums, blog post, social feed, jobs listing, TVL and other on-chain metrics.

850 ARB for maintenance including having an Alphaday content analyst quality-checking the dashboard every day and ensuring the Calendar widget is up-to-date with latest events, all news mentions across the internet are captured by the dashboard, any updates not automatically captured by the Alphaday aggregator engine is manually added to the board, and other maintenance tasks.

Funding Address: [Enter the specific address where funds will be sent for grant recipients]


Funding Address Characteristics: [Enter details on the status of the address; eligible address must be an MPC wallet or 2/3 multisig with private keys securely stored]

Multisig cold storage wallet

Distribution Contract Address: [Enter any specific address that will be used to disburse funds for grant recipients]

Incentivised Contract Addresses: [Enter any specific contract addresses that will be incentivised in your program (Pool addresses, contracts, etc.)]


Clearly outline the primary objectives of the project and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure success. This helps reviewers understand what the project aims to achieve and how progress will be assessed.

Objectives: [Clearly state the primary objectives of the grant and what you intend to achieve]

Primary Objectives:

  1. Development and deployment of the GMX dashboard on Alphaday. See example for Optimism below:

  1. Marketing and further development of the dashboard after its initial deployment to users.


We would like to create a GMX ecosystem dashboard that aggregates the following information into a single community dashboard:

  • The latest GMX official announcements and blog post content.

  • A feed of all news mentions of GMX from coindesk, cointelegraph and 20+ other news sources aggregated from across the internet.

  • A calendar containing all GMX events including governance votes, meetups, conferences, hackathons with GMX bounties, AMAs.

  • Podcast feed containing the latest appearances and interviews given by GMX team members.

  • Youtube stream containing educational GMX content.

  • GMX Docs directory.

  • Integration with GMX Governance Forum to show the latest and trending discussion topics.

  • Discord integration to show a feed of latest discussions.

  • FAQ & GMX tokenomics information.

  • Live GMX token spot price chart.

  • Developer tools, API’s, tutorials, guides, grants & bounties, and any other resources that can help build with GMX.

  • GMX TVL data through Defillama integration.

  • GMX on-chain metrics including total volume, Volume breakdown and other metrics pulled in from Dune Analytics.

  • Links, categories, and descriptions of Dapps, exchanges, and other services offered within the GMX ecosystem.

We should be able to build and deploy the above dashboard within 2 months so if this grant is approved we want to launch the GMX dashboard by early January 2024 (tentatively).

Thereafter, we will maintain & curate the dashboard on a regular basis, as well as improve the functionality and availability of features in our application as a whole.

Please note that we can add and remove widgets and/or contents as requested by your team. For a brief idea about other widgets and data that we can include, please visit our Live product page (Beta) at: https://app.alphaday.com/

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): [Specify the KPIs, including but not limited to total value locked, transaction volume, and number of users that will be used to measure success in achieving the grant objectives]

We launched our public beta in August 2022 and have been growing roughly 30% month on month and currently have 10,000 MAU but have in mind this is with minimal marketing and promotion.

In terms of concrete numbers, considering GMX has ~230K twitter followers and using this as a very crude proxy for community size, we would consider it a success if we could serve at least 1% of them on a monthly basis (2.3K MAU).

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the GMX ecosystem?: [Provide details]

Having an Alphaday dashboard for GMX will make it easier to consume 50+ different types of GMX-related information in one place. Users can customize this experience to meet their own individual needs. Once they have a solution that is exactly tailored to their needs, they are more likely to stay engaged and informed.

Justification for the size of the grant: [Enter explanation]

The grant size reflects the dev team’s hours required to build out the GMX Alphaday Dashboard.

We will require 3 devs (1 frontend, 1 backend, and 1 content analyst) working on this for 5 days and our cost for this is roughly $4,000. On this basis we are applying for a grant of 3,400 ARB.

**Execution Strategy: [**Describe the execution plan, including resources, products, use of funds, and risk management. This includes allocations for specific pools, eligible assets, products, etc.]

Our workflow for building and maintaining the GMX Community and Ecosystem Dashboard is as follows:

  1. Our team creates a list of all the sources of information relevant to the GMX ecosystem (we usually collect 30+ sources including official blog posts, social media, discussion forums, podcasts, etc)
  2. We build a draft dashboard that is composed of the widgets we think best serve the GMX community based on our experience building for other projects.
  3. We share the dashboard with the GMX community and/or team and we collect feedback.
  4. We change & iterate based on the feedback and once we get final approval from the community and/or team we publish it.
  5. We also do social marketing campaigns to promote the dashboard.
  6. We continue to maintain, curate, and develop the dashboard continuously.
  7. Future: Once we get more traction on the GMX dashboard we can immediately start to build more GMX-exclusive widgets.

Grant Timeline and Milestones: [Describe the timeline for the grant and milestones.]

1 Completion and sharing of draft version of Dashboard to be reviewed for feedback 01/15/2024
2 Applying all changes and approval of the final version of Dashboard. Deployment, and social media announcement (Twitter). 01/30/2024
3 Maintenance tasks and changes required for the dashboard 01/30/2025 (indefinitely)

Fund Streaming: [Do you accept the funding of your grant streamed linearly for the duration of your grant proposal, and that the multisig holds the power to halt your streamed grant at their discretion at any time?]



Provide details about the protocol requirements relevant to the grant. This information ensures that the applicant is aligned with the technical specifications and commitments of the grant.

What date did you build on GMX?: [Date of deployment]

Alphaday released its beta version in August 2022.

Protocol Performance: [Detail the past performance of the protocol and relevance, including any key metrics or achievements, dashboards, etc.]

We currently have 10,000 MAU. Average session time per user is 9 minutes and retention rate across 1/7/30 days is 56%/53%/50% as measured by Hotjar.

Protocol Roadmap: [Describe relevant roadmap details for your protocol or relevant products to your grant application.]

Our product is already live at app.alphaday.com.

Please see our deck to have a better understanding of what Alphaday is building: DocSend

Audit History (if any): [Provide historic audits and audit results]

For Dapp integrations (such as Uniswap), we use their standard API. Our platform does not have its own smart contracts, as we are integrators/aggregators and we play a support role or act as a gateway to existing smart contracts. That being said, we have not had the need for audits.

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Provide details on how your team is equipped to provide data and reporting on grant distribution.

We have records and lists of Alphaday’s web traffic and user base. We are also currently building a more detailed and expansive version of this. We will soon be able to report user behavior as well, to optimize our roadmap and make Alphaday more equipped to serve its user base.

Is your team prepared to create Dune Spells and/or Dashboards for your incentive program?: [Please describe your answer]

As we are not a dapp we do not have on-chain data on Dune.

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the GMX Forum thread?: [Please describe your strategy and capabilities for data/reporting]

Yes, where applicable.

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?: [Y/N]


Please note: Labs and the Grants Committee retain the right to approve, disapprove, or subsequently disqualify any grant from the programs they are administering at their sole discretion.

Wow, your idea is great. I wonder if we can work together?

Thank you for submitting your application to the GMX DAO Grants. We will review your application and get back to you.

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Thank you for your application; eyes are on, expect a follow up soon, contributors will also reach out in any other working group channels to ensure things move

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Hello Alphaday Team,

We want to thank you for applying to the GMX grants program. The window for applications has recently closed. In the interest of clarity, and to ensure continued lines of collaboration, we want to notify that your grant did not muster full support from the community to move on to approval. Such developments tied only to the STIP grant program are not the end of GMX working with you all. We understand that the opportunity presented by the grants program might have left you in the middle of some developments - we are more than happy to find other ways outside the grants program to see these developments through to a productive end, or to adjust scope accordingly in the interest of such ends.

Thank you for your time and consideration @CredegarFhristensen.