[MICRO GRANT APPLICATION] Tradingview Alert Connector


Applicant Name or Alias: 0xIbuki

Project Name: Tradingview Alert Connector

Project Description:
Free, Open-Source, and self-hosted tool integrating TradingView strategy alert to execute automated trades on GMX with an easy setup for everyone
It currently supports dYdX and Perpetual Protocol, and we plan to support GMX.

Team Members and Qualifications:

Project Links:

Tutorial video

Grant Type: Micro Grant

Contact Information:

TG: [Telegram]




Requested Grant Size: 4,000ARB

Grant Matching:

Grant Breakdown:
3,000ARB for development costs

  • Integrate GMX and allow automated trading via Tradingview alert.
  • Support all of the OrderType(Market, Limit, StopLoss) listed in the doc
    Contracts for V2 | GMX Docs

1,000ARB for maintaining the tool, creating tutorial doc/video, and customer support

Funding Address:

Funding Address Characteristics:
Safe multisig

Distribution Contract Address:

Incentivised Contract Addresses:


To provide an easy way to run a trading bot on GMX empowered by Tradingview Strategy Function.

Especially allowing traders who don’t have programming skills to run their bot while not giving up self-custody.

It’s designed to be set up as easily as possible, and we provide easy-to-follow docs and tutorial video.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • MAU(actively running trading bot): 200~300
  • Monthly Trading Volume: $500K~$1M

How will receiving a grant enable you to foster growth or innovation within the GMX ecosystem?:
TradingView is very popular for crypto traders, and they have a strong community. On TradingView, we can view charts but also create&share automated trading strategies written in Pine Script

In addition, Tradingview has a strong community, and many members share their trading strategies. (and allow users to run those strategies out of the box with this tool on GMX)

Justification for the size of the grant:

  • We are going not only to build executing orders on GMX, but also to test the tool with various trading strategies and scenarios and check if it works as intended.

  • Funded by dYdX and Perpetual Protocol’s grant program too.
    dYdX Grant: Tradingview Integration

Execution Strategy:
We are going to build the following key features. (Basically, the same functionality as we have now for dYdX and Perpetual Protocol)

  • Receive strategy alert from Tradingview via webhook and execute a corresponding trade on GMX
  • Support for running multiple strategies/markets/exchanges at the same time
  • Export order history by each strategy to CSV

Grant Timeline and Milestones:

  • Development and testing: 12/31/2023
  • Updating doc, creating tutorial video, and releasing it in public: 1/15/2024

Fund Streaming:


What date did you build on GMX?:
The tool itself was released in Nov 2022. (Not yet on GMX)

Protocol Performance:
The repo has about 800 git clones(downloads) and 54 stars so far.

Protocol Roadmap:
We are going to improve it continuously based on user feedback.

Audit History (if any):
We send trade execution via their API/SDK/Smart Contract and don’t have any smart contracts on our end.
That being said, we have not had the need for audits.

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Is your team prepared to create Dune Spells and/or Dashboards for your incentive program?:
Yes, I have experience building Dune dashboards and am certainly prepared to create one.

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the GMX Forum thread?:

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream?:

Thanks for submitting a grant application. The Grants Committee has started its review process.

a TV webhook for GMX sounds really cool! saw someone in the GMX community requesting such a thing, could be useful.

furthermore, grantee seems to have built a similar thing for other perp DEXs before, sounds like it’s clear they can deliver it i think it’s a good addition to the ecosystem

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