[OpenOcean] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 2

[OpenOcean] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: [07/24/2024]

I. Executive Summary:

We have completed the integration of the GMX V2 pool and are now working on deploying it on our upgraded version of Arbitrum, with plans to go live next week. Once the GMX V2 pool is live, we will develop an API specifically to connect GMX V1 and V2, allowing our partners to utilize it. The audit report for the OpenOcean Arbitrum contract with GMX integration has also been completed, marking a partial milestone achievement. However, the Dune dashboard support is still pending, as we are in the process of integrating GMX V2 into our upgraded version.

II. Current Progress:

  • We are currently in the process of transitioning the GMX V2 pool to our upgraded API on Arbitrum and further in our production environment. Once this transition is completed, we will conduct thorough testing to ensure everything operates smoothly. In parallel, we are beginning to develop an API that will enable our partners to connect both GMX V1 and V2 pools, enhancing interoperability and functionality.

  • The audit report for our OpenOcean Arbitrum contract, including the GMX integration, has been completed and is now publicly available on our Docs on July 24. Here’s the link to review.

III. Community Engagement:

We will actively promote GMX in our social and community and are finalizing on designing a GMX trading campaign set to launch in August.

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:
It’s still not available yet; we’re currently waiting on the development of the GMX API to connect the GMX V1 and V2 liquidity pools.