[Compass Labs] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 3

I. Executive Summary:

Compass Labs was funded with 40,000 ARB to integrate GMX into Dojo for strategy development, backtesting and simulation, and enable users to query curated GMX data.

Over the last week, we have:

  • Completed Milestone 1: we now support all historical events and prices directly within Dojo.

On the back of completion of milestone one, we have made a UI for querying GMX data we ingested on:

  • Finished implementation of keeper logic for historic actions, this has proven more complex than initially anticipated but we have overcome all the challenges
  • Withdrawal and order updates are implemented
  • We are currently completing implementation for keepers to execute users’ actions, built on the back of the keepers executing historical actions.
  • We are currently implementing GMX market observations for users to be able to create meaningful strategies to trade on GMX

Next items to be covered:

  • Completion of trader keepers and observations
  • Integration with Dojo dashboard for a relevant feedback loop to users performing backtests on their strategies
  • An example of a strategy for users to build upon

a) Roadmap Progress

We reached milestone 1. The events data and historical prices are persisted in the internal data storage.

In order to be integrated with GMX (milestone 2) - we have trader keepers left to cover after which we can claim that GMX is fully integrated with Dojo.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

With the past weeks achievements we are on track to finish both milestones.

Milestone one (data querying): done

Milestone two (integration): historic actions are submitted and executed, trader actions are submitted but not executed yet - pending trader keepers implementation.

c) Dune Dashboards: N/A

II. Current Progress:

To conclude, we have historic actions functioning and traders actions very close to being complete. We want to push it further than the milestone 2 objective of integration with GMX and also support GMX market observations in the dashboard

III. Community Engagement:

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:


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