[Compass Labs] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

I. Executive Summary:

Compass Labs was funded with 40,000 ARB to integrate GMX into Dojo for strategy development, backtesting and simulation, and enable users to query curated GMX data.

Over the last week, we have:

  • Ingested all events data from GMX into our internal data store
  • Created data loaders to retrieve event data into Dojo.
  • Built part of the system that replays order and deposit creation during a historical simulation. Order creation works for any initial collateral token. Deposits are currently restricted to long and short tokens only (to be expanded).
  • Provided an interface for a user to create market orders in a Dojo policy
  • Duplicated the roles framework used by GMX (we found out that certain contracts were deployed at a newer address and had an issue with new contracts not having the required roles)

Next items to be covered:

  • Keeper agents for historical market events
  • Keeper agents for orders and deposits submitted by the users in a backtest
  • Improve user interface for order creation to make it easier to create their trading strategies
  • Ingest historical prices to our database
  • Withdrawals, order updates

a) Roadmap Progress

The events data is persisted in the internal data storage, we need to ingest the historical prices in a similar fashion.

We can now replay historical orders and deposits against a fork of the protocol at a provided dates of a simulation. Furthermore, users can create their trading strategies with orders and deposits to run a backtest. We are currently implementing logic to recreate keepers activity on a historic simulation.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

With the past weeks achievements we are on track to finish both milestones.

Milestone one (data querying): we can already expose all historical events from within dojo, historical prices will follow shortly.

Milestone two (integration): orders and deposits creation works, need to add keepers into the system and improve user experience.

**c) Dune Dashboards: ** NA

II. Current Progress:

III. Community Engagement:

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations: NA

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