D2 Finance Bi-Weekly Grant Update Feb 21

D2 Finance Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: Feb 21, 2024

I. Executive Summary:

a) Roadmap Progress

  • D2 Finance trading epoch for ETH++ and Rodeo++ set to run until Feb 23, results and fee monday to follow on Feb 26
  • xD2 token has been introduced and is live (tradeable with d2) with limited liquidity, setting the stage for xD2 wars (re-stakable token mirroring D2 tied to the performance of the vaults)
  • Introducing new vault Feb 23
  • Protocol guardian x2D2 tokens dispersed

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

  • D2 Finance has traded $1.26M total volume within GMX V2

  • D2 has traded more than $6mil notional volume through Arbitrum with ~$200k liquidity in the closed PoC phase. ($1.26M GMX, 625k Rysk, 3.96M Lyra…)

c) Dune Dashboards

II. Current Progress:

xD2 introduced xD2 Wars: Real Yield, More Yield, Power | by D2 | Feb, 2024 | Medium

D2 has traded more than $6mil notional volume through Arbitrum with ~$200k liquidity in the closed PoC phase. ($1.26M GMX, 625k Rysk, 3.96M Lyra…)

D2 is in the process of on-boarding Chief Risk Officer and Investor Relations team to cater to our institutional and HNW contacts

D2 is currently engaged with multiple FE vendors to provide hosting services and updating the dApp design, UX, and analytics

III. Community Engagement:

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • In discussions with both Lyra and Premia for direct integration of SDK into our trading framework and partnerships to expand options liquidity and arb opportunities
  • Working with Chainlink to integrate CCIP for cross chain deposits into vaults
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