D2 Finance - Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Projects that receive a grant courtesy of the GMX Grants Program are required to use this Template.

[Protocol Name] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: Feb 07, 2024

I. Executive Summary:

a) Roadmap Progress

  • D2 token has launched and entered closed price discovery (no selling from xD2 holders until Feb 15)

  • xD2 vaults have been prepped and set the stage for xD2 wars (re-stakable token mirroring D2 tied to the performance of the vaults)

  • D2 Finance has entered a new trading epoch for ETH++ and Rodeo++, set to run until Feb 26

  • Rodeo++ sold out inital $80k cap with additonal closed cap prior to AMA with GX tomorrow

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

  • D2 Finance has traded $760.04k total volume within GMX V2 and is on target to meet our next Milestone of $1mil notional volume by Feb 15, 2024

c) Dune Dashboards

II. Current Progress:

Rodeo++ Launched and Epoch started
ETH++ New Epoch
D2 token launched
xD2 introduced xD2 Wars: Real Yield, More Yield, Power | by D2 | Feb, 2024 | Medium

D2 has traded more than $2mil notional volume through Arbitrum with <$200k liquidity in the closed PoC phase and greater than $1mil volume in the last epoch with ~130k TVL

D2 has met with over 20 contacts in the HK and Singapore market to onboard institutional sticky capital

III. Community Engagement:

  • Introduced the xD2 benefits for D2 Rangers to help shape the protocol

  • DAO legal structure nearing finalization

  • List item

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • In discussions with both Lyra and Premia for direct integration of SDK into our trading framework and partnerships to expand options liquidity and arb opportunities

  • On-going discussions with Dolomite to integrate their lending market into D2 V3 vault architecture

  • Working with Chainlink to integrate CCIP for cross chain deposits into vaults