D2 Finance Bi-Weekly Report

**D2 Finance Grant Bi-Weekly Update **

Date: Dec 27, 2023

I. Executive Summary:

D2 Finance has launched a flagship ETH++ vault market on Camelot. This enables users to gain exposure to the D2 complex trading strategies in a simplified manner (simple as swapping a token). The launch is limited (capped) to $40k TVL during this epoch as part of the risk management roll-out procedure.

Within the ETH++ vault, both perp trading and GM pool utilization are used to take advantage of market opportunities.

With $40k TVL in the ETH++ vault, we are on track to generate $200k trading volume and have traded over $10k per day (on average)

a) Roadmap Progress

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

c) Dune Dashboards

  • Engaging with partner to create reporting dashboard

II. Current Progress:

  • See Milestone / KPI achievement section above.
  • Our focus for this reporting epoch is to achieve Milestone 2 - Jan 15th - Target TVL 40k , Target Volume 200K in GMX for the period (22 Dec 19Th January) which we have aligned with our vault epoch.
  • 1 $ARB received as test transaction from GMX, waiting on first milestone incentives to be used to further incentivize the vault.

III. Community Engagement:

  • Re-introduction of rebranded D2 Finance complete
  • Strong community engagement with long term supporters ad D2 Rangers (large stake holders)

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • Partnered with Rodeo Finance to utilize their leveraged GM pools for trading limited to ~2x leverage. Integration and deployment will be finalized upon their launch of fully audited Farms

  • Engaged with Dolomite to integrate their lending / borrowing markets


We look forward to our partnership with D2 Finance to facilitate greater volumes and TVL in the GM farms (which also help balance the OI due to D2 Finance strategies)

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Community support was strong and the ETH++ vault filled so fast. Looking forward to contribute USDC when the cap is increased
Excited how the protocol is progressing and kudos to the team for transparency and good communication


appreciate it ser. Thank you for the support from the start!

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