Fluid Protocol Grant Bi-Weekly Update (4th Edition)

Fluid Protocol Grant Bi-Weekly Update (4th Edition)
Date: January 24th, 2024

I. Executive Summary:

a) Roadmap Progress

  • Completed the improvement of the call smart contract when sending notify TP/SL.
  • Upgraded from CSV-based data management to database-driven system.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

  • Over 12M in volume Through FluidGMXBot
  • Released APIs with several functionalities completed on Mainnet, such as ‘Create new wallet’, ‘Reset token’, ‘Close trade’, ‘List order’, ‘Create order (TP/SL)’, and ‘Cancel order’.
  • Set 3 decimals for ARB and UNI on Mainnet.

II. Current Progress:

  • API support expanded for remaining tokens (SOL, ARB, LINK, UNI), currently in Alpha testing.
  • Quick trade leverage bug fixed.
  • Execution fee buffer (Max Execution Fee Buffer) set and tested on Testnet.
  • Edit order feature is in the testing phase.
  • Enabled trading for SOL, ARB, LINK, UNI tokens with USDC collateral on Mainnet.
  • Leaderboard update according to new contest is in final testing phase.

III. Community Engagement:

Received valuable feedback on new API features like ‘Create new trade’ and ‘Edit order’.
Our Newest Contest will be revealed shortly, with *** in prizes available to winners. (More information on the contest details will be provided soon.)

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

Continuing to strengthen and focus on our existing partnerships, there have been no new additions since our last update.

Challenges and Solutions:

Blockers: None identified for the main updates.
Risks: Low risk level noted for the current updates.
Bugs: No major bugs to report for main updates.

Closing Remarks:

  • We’ve made great strides in improving our API, expanding our support, and upgrading our trading features. We’re committed to continual progress and value the feedback we receive from our community. We’re looking forward to soon sharing our updated API and detailed documentation with our partners.
  • We are actively working to resolve the identified bugs to ensure a seamless experience for our users.
  • Previously mentioned updates are currently live.

