It is very common and understandable to have dispersed addresses on-chain. Perhaps we should focus on a delegate’s views and stance in governance to decide whether to vote for them, rather than basing our decision on the amount of GMX an individual holds. Someone owning a large amount of GMX could potentially have a negative impact on GMX, while someone with only a small amount of GMX might still make significant contributions to the GMX community.
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Meaning that youre asking people to be relegated by stakers while you provided a pretty much new wallet asking people to trust your opinion?
This makes no sense.
There are plenty of delegates who do really show who they are while providing actual , not “phony” wallets.
They’re the ones who can prove their commitment to GMX protocol.
It’s fine to make that a criterion for your decision who to delegate to. But there are other elements that are likely to be equally, if not more, relevant to making a good GMX delegate.