Applicant Name or Alias : Civilization Foundation

Project Name : Expansion of Civ Fund Strategies onto GMX V2

Project Description : Civ Fund, established in 2021, is leveraging AI and smart contracts to provide hedge fund-like returns with crypto stablecoins. We are refining our strategies on GMX V2 to harness the platform’s DeFi capabilities fully, offering users reduced transaction costs and delta-neutral exposure.

Team Members and Qualifications :

  • DexMan: Head of Developers; previously McKinsey Junior Partner / Harvard
  • IceMan : CMO, 7 years in blockchain BD, specialized in DeFi protocols, previously EY Manager
  • Frank: Fullstack Developer, with 10 years of experience in blockchain development
  • Kiyf: Quant Dev/Strategist, 3 years in DeFi, ex-Banker as Nomura and ex-Management Consultant at Deloitte

Project Links :

Contact Information:

Email : civ@civfund.org Twitter: x.com


Requested Grant Size : 75,000 ARB

Grant Matching : NA

Grant Breakdown :

  • 100% Incentives for early adopters and liquidity providers to drive participation and enhance trading volume

Funding Address : civ.eth (0x51D377b4CD1585C460c75f9aD806b8d63db7A09E)

Incentivized Contract Addresses : To be updated after Arbitrum deploy


Objective #1: Expand Trading Operations and User Base


Implement incentive programs for liquidity providers

Estimated Time Until Completion: 3-4 weeks

KPIs for Objective #1:

  • Achieve $250,000 TVL initially
  • Increase TVL to $750,000 following early successes

Objective #2: Sustain Growth and Market Penetration


  • Continue to build and scale user incentives as the platform grows.
  • Reach milestones of $2 million and $5 million TVL, adjusting incentives dynamically based on performance and market conditions

Estimated Time Until Completion: 5-8 weeks

KPIs for Objective #2:

  • Expand to $2 million TVL.
  • Scale up to $5 million TVL and beyond, adapting strategies to evolving market demands.

Grant Timeline and Milestones :

  • Month 1: $20,000 ARB released upon grant acceptance for initial incentivization
  • Month 2-3:
    • Second Release: $27,500 ARB to be issued upon achieving $2M TVL
    • Third Release: $27,500 ARB to be released upon reaching $5M TVL

Fund Streaming : Yes


What date did you build on GMX?:

Testing CIV Vault on arbitrum (CIVVault | Address 0x44315018b7c161aac2831c32b384141cde0228b4 | Arbiscan)

Started testing with GMX strategies in March 2024 and made part of real money beta testing on 13th May 2024 (also posted in community chat, Telegram).

Protocol Performance : As described in the Civ Fund pitch, historical performance shows strong returns and resilience across market conditions with a proprietary trading algorithm

Protocol Roadmap :

  • Q3 2024: Complete integration with GMX V2 with hedging on GMX as well
  • Q4 2024: Continuous optimization and potential expansion to other protocols

Audit History (if any) : CivFund Audit for CIV Vault on ETH: https://www.fyeo.io/post/civfund-security-assessment

SECTION 5: Data and Reporting

Is your team prepared to create Dune Spells and/or Dashboards for your incentive program? : Yes, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive data reporting using Dune Analytics.

Does your team agree to provide bi-weekly program updates on the GMX Forum thread? : Yes, we commit to regular updates and transparent communication with the community.

Does your team acknowledge that failure to comply with any of the above requests can result in the halting of the program’s funding stream? : Yes

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Hey @kiyf, Thank you for submitting the application. The grants committee will soon start reviewing your application.