[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 4

[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: [08/22/2024]

I. Executive Summary:
Trading volume has remained steady now even with the major global decline. It could be safe to say if ref tracking was done how we expected, we could have hit most major milestones, but progress nonetheless. Trading comp 1 has finished and are awaiting ARB unlock to distribute rewards, and trading comp 2 is underway.

a) Roadmap Progress
Trading comp 1 has finished as of 8/15. Trading comp 2 is currently as we achieve a solid 500k-600k of volume daily. Arb rewards for trading comp 1 have yet to be distrubuted.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements

We are trending with a solid weekly volume of 500-600k which is actually more than our native liquidity we have on UniDex now. Not all milestones are expected to be hit, however is the current activity for the past month keeps up, we are expected to hit at least 1 and hopefully milestone 2.

c) Dune Dashboards

These 3 queries return some valuable stats over time and include the leaderboard we have for the ongoing competition.

II. Current Progress:
V4 is opening for beta testing which directly all our traders to arbitrum. This should further increase users GMX volume exposure when trading on UniDex. Right now all our LPs are concentrated on fantom + optimism, however this will now be moved all to arbitrum (and by extension the molten network). More trade routes possible to GMX with this key change which should increase volume.

III. Community Engagement:
We’ve been routinely posting within our community circles and accounts about the ongoing trading rebate. This has certainly attracted more people to the site and take part and we plan to continue pushing the incentives socially.

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

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