[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 2

[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: [07/25/2024]

I. Executive Summary:
We had roughly 3 days of downtime because of the v2.1 contract switch which did impact volume slightly, however still processed roughly 1.2m in volume since. GMX is now our most routed to perp dex on our aggregator doing majority of volume. The trading comp has also started.

a) Roadmap Progress
Our trading competition has started which has provided some good volume from participants. Only 3 users have realized positions so only 3 users show up on our leaderboard, but there are more users with active open positions and once they close we should see a more lively leaderboard.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
With the past week in volume, we are on track to finish milestone 1, 2, and 3 volume targets if the current volume keeps up until the last milestone date. While milestone 1 is still not hit, current progress suggests that it will be hit soon before the expected milestone 2 date.

c) Dune Dashboards

These 3 queries return some valuable stats over time and include the leaderboard we have for the ongoing competition.

II. Current Progress:
Contracts for our aggregator have been updated to the v2.1 set which did cause some downtime in volume and usage, but came back strong right away. Our current goal is to get the new meme markets also supported by our aggregator which could open up more volume and utilization for this grant.

III. Community Engagement:
We’ve been routinely posting within our community circles and accounts about the ongoing trading rebate. This has certainly attracted more people to the site and take part and we plan to continue pushing the incentives socially.

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations: