[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update 5

[UniDex] Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: [09/05/2024]

I. Executive Summary:
A milestone is expected to be completed within a few days considering our average weekly volume post referral tracking fix. Almost 80% of our volume now trades through GMXv2 exclusively.

a) Roadmap Progress
We’re approaching a milestone completion with trading comp 2 going strong. We have a general frontend update to increase some aggregator / alternative route suggestions. While it could help more people use GMX routes on our frontend, there are other platforms that we aggregate that also offer incentives so there is that to consider for if this will increase GMX volume through UniDex.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
We’re currently averaging 1.1m in volume a week. Our first milestone is set to be completed within a few days considering our currently total volume is around 9.6 million.

c) Dune Dashboards

These 3 queries return some valuable stats over time and include the leaderboard we have for the ongoing competition.

II. Current Progress:
Roughly 80% of our volume routes through GMXv2 now. We have most people trading with only GMX routes with additional changes we made to our frontend to highlight the incentives, although most of it has to do with just general marketing over time.

III. Community Engagement:

We’ve scheduled roughly 8 different tweets to highlight the ongoing trading competition until 9/14. We think some cross promotion could be good as well.

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:

Great progress ser you guys did some solid job with the Trading competition.