Assistance Required: Leverage Issue on GMX Vault

Dear Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am encountering an issue while attempting to open a leveraged position in the GMX protocol. Despite following the standard process, the transaction consistently fails with the following error message:

“Fail with error ‘Vault: leverage not enabled’”

Here are additional details about the issue for your reference:

Transaction Hash: 0xb6e8eace09a00163b624c6f0dddea636968fa6c207f61662e8a4219159d24687
Wallet Address: 0x405c9E8E584C9D3Cc8a3A60E3Ffe717Ea52381fA
Platform/Environment: API
Timestamp: Dec-16-2024 06:50:02 AM +UTC
Based on the error message, it appears that leverage functionality might not be enabled or there may be a misconfiguration. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on how to resolve this issue. Specifically, I would like to confirm whether:

Leverage is currently supported for the asset(s) and market(s) I am trading.
Any additional steps or permissions are required to enable leverage.
If you need further details from my end to investigate this matter, please let me know. I am happy to provide additional information or screenshots if needed.

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Ahmad Rahmat

Hi Ahmad, sorry to hear you’re experiencing an issue. This Governance forum isn’t the right place for user support of such technical matters, however. If you could please open a ticket via the official ticket system in the GMX Discord, support contributors can assist you: