GMX Listing committee nominations

Name: Wing

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Relevant Experience: Please share any links and supporting information.

I’m the co-founder of Tradao, which supported GMX since May 2023. We provide many different functions to GMX users, including data tracking(OI, Trading Volume, Liquidation), trader portfolio and analysis, permissionless copy trading, etc. As Tradao not only integrated with GMX, we also integrated with SNX, and more perp dex’s data is coming. Those data could also help to make the listing decisions based on the performance of other perp dex.

Familiarity with Perp listings: How well do you know the listing process of perps in general?

I don’t know the exact process of the perp listing process, but I can learn from my friends who work for the CEX or other perp dex.

Suggestions for the GMX Listing Committee: Do you have any ideas or suggestions for how the GMX Listing Committee can maximise its impact?

I think the listing committee could help GMX build connections with potential listing projects. The committee could then share news or announcements in those projects’ groups or channels to attract new users to trade on GMX. Also, the committee could coordinate the co-marketing with the listing project to amplify the listing news.

Time Commitment: Can you commit at least 10 hours per week to serve as part of this council?


Declaration of Conflict of Interest (if any):