GMX Python SDK Grant Bi-Weekly Update (5)

GMX Python SDK Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: 07-02-24

I. Executive Summary:

  • Feedback is being collected from alpha testers and being implemented
  • limit orders nearing completion
  • test library is packaged and distributed under PyPi, integration is being tested
  • documentation for use is being worked on

Any users that wish to participate in testing please dm Telegram: Contact @snipermonke01.

a) Roadmap Progress:

A rough and expanding guideline of required scripts can be found here, with status of each denoted:

This is not an exhaustive list and is being continually updated as new requirements are made.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements:

No change since previous update:

Currently Milestones 2 & 3 are being addressed.

c) Dune Dashboards - n/a

II. Current Progress:

The last 1-2 weeks saw implementation of:

  • tests to ensure avalanche is functional for reading stats, open/closing positions from avax will be tested in the coming weeks
  • implementing user feedback surrounding ui and functions, for example improving general naming, adding in helper functions to close positions, expanding scope of order parser.
  • Library is packaged and distributed under PyPI. It’s on a test instance until smaller details are confirmed. Integration to be tested, and structural changes to take place to make library imports more simplistic. Testing to take place this week and hopefully moved to PyPI public index by end of the week.

III. Community Engagement:

  • continued request for users to test

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:


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