GMX Python SDK Grant Bi-Weekly Update
Date: 21-02-24
I. Executive Summary:
- A public of beta of the SDK was deployed and is available to test: GitHub - snipermonke01/gmx_python_sdk_beta: Beta version of python SDK for GMX
- distribution as a package via pypi is nearing completion
- implemented feedback from early testers to generally improve UI when performing tasks such as open/close positions
- Thorough update of ReadMe & documentation
Any users that are actively testing the SDK are encouraged to reach out to Telegram: Contact @snipermonke01 with feedback or to create pull requests.
a) Roadmap Progress:
A rough and expanding guideline of required scripts can be found here, with status of each denoted:
This is not an exhaustive list and is being continually updated as new requirements are made.
b) Milestone/KPI Achievements:
No change since previous update:
Currently Milestones 2 & 3 are being addressed.
c) Dune Dashboards - n/a
II. Current Progress:
The last 1-2 weeks saw implementation of:
- work was done to improve general documentation throughout the codebase, but more specifically work was done on improving communication through the github ReadMe: gmx_python_sdk_beta/ at main · snipermonke01/gmx_python_sdk_beta · GitHub
- investigating implementation of sphinx for automated documentation outside of a simple ReadMe on the repository
- created a ConfigManger which will allow users to set config variables from within a script; this was at the request of a potential integration
- created an example script to get estimated swap output for a given swap & amount
- created an example script to demonstrate how to execute a swap
III. Community Engagement:
- continued request for users to test
IV. Partnerships and Collaborations: