GMX v2 Telegram & Discord Analytics Grant Bi-Weekly Update (2)

GMX v2 Telegram & Discord Analytics Grant Bi-Weekly Update

Date: 27-12-23

I. Executive Summary:

  • GMX Trading Stats channel has been relaunched with GMX v2 stats in focus, currently Arbitrum only
  • Work is underway on upgrading the funding calculator bot, first to include a more rounded outlook when opening and maintaining a funding farming position

a) Roadmap Progress:

Point 2 of the roadmap “Update GMX Trading Stats Channel” has been partially completed. New graphics and data regarding rolling 24h volume, previous 24h open interest/funding/borrow rates and GM prices per asset/market are updating hourly. Further charts and expansion to AVAX will be included in the coming weeks.

Attention is being turned to the funding rate calculator bot.

b) Milestone/KPI Achievements:

Milestone 1 (Deploy a bot to monitor key stats on v2, as well as monitoring on opening/closing positions) has been completed.

Milestone 2 (to update GMX Trading Stats channel) is has been partially completed, further updates to coming in the following weeks/month.

Milestones 3-4 (Build on funding bot to allow monitoring of positions & Build on funding bot to recieve liquidity notifications) will be addressed in the coming weeks. This will aimed to be completed by the next bi-weekly update.

c) Dune Dashboards

Since 3rd Dec, number of unique users and total calls per day are being documented. The results of these can be seen in the following plots. This will be updated in each bi-weekly update:

II. Current Progress:

The last 1-2 weeks saw:

III. Community Engagement:

IV. Partnerships and Collaborations:
