GMX v2 Telegram & Discord Analytics Grant Bi-Weekly Update
Date: 13/12/23
I. Executive Summary:
The last few weeks have been spent on:
- consolidating stats bots into one bot
- pausing trading stats channel while new charts and data processing is designed
a) Roadmap Progress
Point 2 of the roadmap “Update GMX Trading Stats Channel” is currently being worked on. The aim is to have this completed by the next bi-weekly update, and be well underway with “Monitoring positions for a given address.”
b) Milestone/KPI Achievements
Milestone 1 (Deploy a bot to monitor key stats on v2, as well as monitoring on opening/closing positions) has been completed.
Milestone 2 (to update GMX Trading Stats channel) is currently in progress, and designing efficient subgraph queries are underway.
c) Dune Dashboards
Since 3rd Dec, number of unique users and total calls per day are being documented. The results of these can be seen in the following plots. This will be updated in each bi-weekly update:
II. Current Progress:
- Monitoring of GMX v2 stats from the gmx_v2_bot, including:
- weekly or daily stats
- current open interest balance per market
- available liquidity on arbitrum or avalanche markets
- Daily volume plots
- TVL pie plot
- Monitoring of opening/closing positions
III. Community Engagement:
As no new features have been implemented there is no community engagement to be made. There was a brief announcement that the original GMXLiquidityBot has been depreciated and all stats calls should be made through gmx_v2_bot going forward.
IV. Partnerships and Collaborations: